Review: The Invisible Man (1933)


1. I love that the radio talks about the incident in Iping as a bout of mass hysteria because that’s exactly what would happen in a world with no video proof. It’s only Griffin’s ego and lack of control that leads to his undoing. If he had just let the chief leave and and decry the town, he could continue unhindered because no one would actively be out there looking for him.

2. Having Grey make the potion to win Flora’s heart was something I wasn’t expecting and I thought it was sweet and tragic. The conflict between Griffin and Kemp is related to her. It’s shown via the latter’s anger and indignation that the former left his post. It’s not just a question of scientific integrity. He’s trying to debase him because he’s upset that Griffin is with Flora. Griffin didn’t share what he was working on, because he was making the potion for the sake of romance. Sharing the idea with his romantic rival and collaborating would be a no-no, as such. It all makes sense and comes together, but is never lazily revealed through bad exposition. I dug it.

3. Una O’Connor’s performance as Jenny, is worth the price of entry by itself. She put in so much energy and passion into screaming, getting irritated, and dealing with the whole debacle and I couldn’t stop laughing at her increasing frustration.

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