Review: Scream

Spoiler Discussion

1. The murder of Casey at the beginning was really brutal and I wasn’t read for it. As she starts trying to crawl towards her parents I knew she wasn’t going to make it but I felt like maybe she could. The juxtaposition of her brutal death outside the front door as her parents desperately look for her kind of exemplifies the way the killers just hid in plain sight the whole time. The icing on the cake was the reveal shot- I knew the parents would see what happened, but I didn’t know when it would happen so as the scene went on I just got more and more tense, until the blood curdling scream.

2. The rules of horror explanation was hilarious and was something the horror nerd inside of me really appreciated. As Randy (portrayed by Jamie Kennedy), explains the rules I kept thinking about who would live and die from that moment on. The resurrection of the villain at the end, despite making no sense and Randy’s “virgin” plot armor moment both elicited a laugh from me.

3. Billy and Stu’s interaction with Sidney where they go over motivation and describe how they got away with the plot had me staring with my jaw wide open. Skeet Ulrich’s performance here really came through as he faked his way through a more sympathetic motivation for why he executed all the murders. It felt chilling to see the immediate kind of disassociation from the act. The violent stabbing between him and Stu to cover up the scene felt disgusting and sold how depraved the whole thing was.

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