Review: Bad Boys For Life


1.The moment that Isabel started muttering something in the prison cell, I thought she was into some demonic stuff , so I was hyped when it’s revealed she was a “witch”. I was secretly hoping she’d do some magic or something – if a supernatural entity broke forth during the third act as everything was burning , I think I might’ve started screaming. Oh well, still cool villain, even if underdeveloped and utilized.

2. Marcus’s decision to not engage in violence anymore was cool and I wanted to see how the movie would get around it. I thought the idea of him being a technical agent (like the therapy boy from the AMMO group) was presented in a way to give Marcus a way to join the fight indirectly. The decision to use weapons felt like a cop out (pun intended). More than that is his comical decision to overshoot the gun without properly aiming, thereby risking other peoples lives. It’s an example of humor that hurts the overall narrative.

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