Review: 1922


  1. I wish Wilfred had seen a paper chronicling his son’s criminal exploits before Molly comes over. Maybe not directly as in he notices it and reads it out loud to the audience, but rather its shown on the screen within the periphery of his gaze. You know, like something you glance at with your eye but don’t really process. That way when Molly comes in to taunt him with the news, it’s plausible that she’s just a hallucination that’s a result of his guilt. The current version makes it impossible for ghosts to not be involved which makes the entire story less impactful.

    2. I think Wilfred should die the moment he tries to sell his house. The house and his progeny represent his ties to the world because they’re indicative of his legacy. When he no longer has/values them, then he has no purpose or reason to keep existing. That’s when his unconscious should decide it’s over/the spirits decide to end it because he’s finally lost everything and there’s no reason to torture him anymore. I understand that having him continue to live shows that he realizes that there’s more to life which leads to the conclusion that he should’ve compromised and that the sin wasn’t inevitable. I just think his death earlier would’ve been more poetic and served a similar purpose. Realizing that his folly is the reason he lost everything, he would’ve realized he made a mistake but it was too late because there was nothing left to strive for.

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