Review: The Ring


1.I also love how much more evil Sadako/Samara is in this movie. The changes to her backstory remove an element of philosophical nuance, but it make her presence a lot more menacing and evil. I do wish there was at least kind of explanation for why her powers were there whether that be actual lineage or some kind of demonic entity but I guess explaining would muddle the story too much.

2.I’d be more upset about Aidan but his psychic powers make him a foil to Samara which lends to some interesting thematic discussions about otherization and parenting. It makes Samara’s interest in Rachel more justified because the latter “could’ve/should’ve” been the mother to the former. Maybe she thinks Rachel would never withhold love from her and the test at the end proved that. That being said, I love how the ending rips that idea apart by showing yes, Samara is evil and a troubled young girl.

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