Review: Black Christmas


1. What a great Red Herring. The way the movie sets up why Jess and co would even believe Peter is the murder even had a nit-picker like me lost for words. By showing him breaking the piano, we’re basically told that he’s thrown away something that is core to him and is capable of senseless violence. Gives the police a motive. His demeanor, forceful language, and the repetition of his lines by “Billy” are reason enough for Jess, being suspicious of him, to go full on self-defense. Forget tricking the audience. The bait is so good that even the detectives and main character think they’ve solved the issue. It’s why the ending is so horrifying. You know that Jess is in there completely by herself and that “Billy” is still waiting hidden away. The phone playing in the background as the credits go off is the cherry on top.

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