Halloween 2021: 31 Day Horror Marathon

As is tradition, this year I’ll be watching 31 horror movies- 1 for each day in October. Last year my list was focused on helping me push though and get all the reviews I needed to finally publish my Best Horrors of the 2010-19 Decade List. Unfortunately, that challenge failed and the movie’s on the list are still being reviewed. The biggest takeaway I’ve gotten from both years attempting this challenge is keeping up 1 review a day.

While I’ve never failed at watching my allotted movie on it’s day, I have failed, especially last year, to get the reviews out on time, if at at all. Thankfully, the year since has been invaluable in both helping me develop my more thorough review style, something I was just starting to experiment with last year at this time, and in helping me better learn my limits in regards to quality and output.

That is why this year, my marathon list contains a host of re-watches from previous years. As part of my Site Update Project, I’ve gone through and started the process of taking my older reviews, namely ones without images or any longform analysis, and have been pushing them up to a much higher standard. The marathon gives me a good excuse and opportunity to invest time in some of my eldest reviews and help standardize them.

However, that doesn’t mean that I won’t review any new films. I have a healthy assortment of newer releases and classics I haven’t gotten to review yet. It’s just the focus this year is more on treading old ground again as opposed to trying to expand as fast as possible to new territories. Movies that I’ve reviewed before are marked with an *.

To that end, I will try to post reviews up to 4 days of the “watch” date presented below. For example, if a movie is to be watched on the 4th, the review or updates to review should be up by the 8th. Reviews will be marked with hyperlinks once “finished”. This delay should ensure that I have time to go more granular on the reviews that need the effort without severely compromising the flow of the marathon itself for those viewers following along. While there may be a few delays, I expect to be able to adhere to this schedule for the most part. With that out of the way, here’s the list.

The List

10-1-2021Friday the 13th*Sean S. Cunningham
10-2-2021StokerPark Chan-Wook
10-3-2021The Blair Witch ProjectEduardo Sánchez, Daniel Myrick
10-4-2021Raw*Julia Ducournau
10-5-2021Insidious 2 James Wan
10-6-2021The Thing*John Carpenter
10-7-2021Ring*Hideo Nakata
10-8-2021The Ring*Gore Verbinski
10-9-2021A Cure for Wellness Gore Verbinski
10-10-2021The Witch*Robert Eggers
10-11-2021Sinister* Scott Derrickson
10-12-2021Prince of DarknessJohn Carpenter
10-13-2021The Cabin in the Woods*Drew Goddard
10-14-2021Perfect BlueSatoshi Kon
10-15-2021In the Mouth of Madness*John Carpenter
10-16-2021Black Christmas* Bob Clark
10-17-2021The Empty ManDavid Prior
10-18-2021The Evil Dead*Sam Raimi
10-19-2021Saint MaudRose Glass
10-20-2021Poltergeist *Tobe Hooper
10-21-2021AuditionTakashi Miike
10-22-2021Green Room*Jeremy Saulnier
10-23-2021A Nightmare on Elm Street* Wes Craven
10-24-2021The Shining* Stanley Kubrick
10-25-2021BaskinCan Evrenol
10-26-2021A Quiet Place*John Krasinski
10-27-2021A Quiet Place Part II John Krasinski
10-28-2021Us*Jordan Peele
10-29-2021Train to BusanYeon Sang-ho
10-30-2021The Killing of a Sacred Deer*Yorgos Lanthimos
10-31-2021Nosferatu* F.W. Murnau
* – watched and reviewed before

2 thoughts on “Halloween 2021: 31 Day Horror Marathon”

  1. Great idea! I was looking for some spooky movies to watch this month and will take a look at a couple of this!

    1. Awesome! Hope they end up giving you the scares you’re looking for. “Sinister” is a great crowd pleaser if you want something more conventional, but if you’re looking for something more “out there” both “In the Mouth of Madness” and “The Empty Man” are wild rides.

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